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Question: Peom Help! "Empty and Beautiful"!?
for english i have to write a poem about empty and beautiful

can someone tell me wat "empty and beautiful" means

my teacher said that i have to think outside the box and someting about conjunctions help!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"The box was empty but the contents were beautiful!."

Thinking outside the box with conjunctions!.

What are conjunctions!? And with but for - come on, use your brain!.

Your brain is empty BUT beautiful!. Your brain is beautiful AND empty!.

Your brain is beautiful WITH emptiness!.

What is empty to you!? What is beautiful to you!? Connect them with a conjunction!.

I must say I admire your teacher - what a great thought process to create a poem!.



"Empty and Beautiful" could refer to a person's inner self being shallow or thoughtless in spite of their outward beautiful appearance!.

But that doesn't sound very "outside the box!." I'd have to know exactly how your teacher used the word "conjunctions!."

BTW, better memorize the correct spelling of the word "poem!." English teachers frown on spelling errors such as "wat" for "what!."

Do let us know what you decide it means to you!.


WOW! Brush Hog made that more clear to me too! Thanks, BH!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Consider your own experience and observations!. What have you seen that is both beautiful and empty!?

a dessert at sunset!?
a football stadium the morning before the big game!?
a fashion model who seems empty-headed!?

Make your own list, then compose a poem about one of your own examples!. Be creative!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

One cold winters night,

You ran away and out of sight,

beauty was your behold,

still the story is yet untold,

Emptiness is cold my dear,

yet I feel the end is near,


(o ya I'm good) lol

Won't find that on the internet i swear feel free to use it! (hope that helps!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Empty and Beautiful!. I know!. The Grand Canyon!. Mars!. A far off galaxy!. A toilet made of gold no one's ever used!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Superficial!. Beauty with nothing deeper!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Interesting that "thinking outside the box" to you means posting on yahoo!.!.!.!.!.!.!. wat!?Www@QuestionHome@Com