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Question: Fix This (Short!) :)!?
I'm making a board game for Romeo and Juliet
I want the directions of how to play in the form of a short poem
heres what i have:

A pair of star-crossed lovers
Will bring you along the game
Just follow the complex trail
Of their ill marked fate!.
As your journey progresses,
The story’s conflicts will change
But to learn what happens
You must first roll the dice!.

Can anyone fix it to make it sound better/rhyme!?

10 POINTS!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Two lovers, sadly star-crossed,
will take you through the game!.
Just follow the tragic trail
that brought them so much fame!.

As you travel farther and deeper,
your knowledge is bound to improve!.
But to discover anything you'd better
roll the dice and make your move!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A pair of star-crossed lovers
will bring this game to thee!.
Upon this complex trail you hover
Their fate you will foresee!.

As your journey progresses
The story's conflicts convert
To see what the lover distresses
You must roll the dice and stay alert!.

AHHHH that sucked!.
Sorry dudeeWww@QuestionHome@Com