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Question: Can the undead feel love!?
Dead Courtier

From a NobleTree
MaidenSweet was reared
To the brink of death
She had so slowly neared
Before she passed away
A VampVisitor did come
To lift away DarkReaper hands
BoundLove to be her sum
He gave her UndeadLife
And swore to hold her firm
But from his BloodDipped hold
She ever sought to squirm
Not wishing his embrace
But having no TruthChoice
Each LunaLit end of day
She listened to his SongSung Voice

A prisoner of CountSons Love

I have no idea if this is as good as the first two!. You may have to let me know!. It continues the story well enough but, I do not want to lose quality as I have done before when doing a series!. Let me know your thoughts and the answer to my question… this is answers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, it is every bit as engaging and enthralling as the first two!. In fact, I really love this one!. I love the combination words "NobleTree", "LunaLit" and "TruthChoice" in this one!. Although it helps to have read the previous poems, this one also stands very well on its own as an otherwordly and darkly haunting poem!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I regret that I did not have the opportunity to read the second and comment on it, but as far as a series progresses I do believe that this one is going remarkably well!. The style is interesting, the rhythm subtely captivating and I am just standing here!.!.!.sitting here!.!.!.wondering when the next will come about!. By the way, on the second one, Count Dracula famously had three wives!. Now, as to whether or not he had a love child with the beautiful Wilhelmina Harker we will never know!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it does them justice but, that is only my opinion!.I have bee delete so,my say may not be valid!.

I like the poems of the CountSon because they are a different take on the whole concept of Dracula! Are you going to bring VanHelsink o however you say his name, into the tale!? I want to see where this all goes anyhow!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Usually the first things I look for in poetry are rhythm, and mood!. The rhythm in this series is fine, (your`s always is!. Ugh!.) but I`m not positive I understand what you are trying to express in it!. I dunno!. I`m not any help when it comes to poets better than myself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

So, are the strings he plays (from the 2nd poem) strung on a violin!? I feel like we are all trying to control what you write!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will be waiting for you when you come out of the dark!.Www@QuestionHome@Com