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Position:Home>Poetry> Looking for comments on my poem, 10 quick points for most detailed?

Question: Looking for comments on my poem, 10 quick points for most detailed!?
Here it is:

If I live for love
And love is my life
And I have no love
Then am I alive!?

If my life is hers
And she is not mine
Then do I have a life at all!?

If she is my purpose
But has no purpose for me
Then why do I exist!?

If she is my everything
But to her I am nothing
Then what am I!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
your in love bro!.
but the girl you love or like
dont know that you do like her
thats why you wrote this poem

because the real thing is
you cant tell her
what you really feel for her

you already loose the race
without even starting your engine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like your poem, but, I believe we write about specific things that are on our mind or are troublesome to us and I think you are in pain!. Nobody is more important than our own self!. You have to learn to love yourself!. With that you will able to choose wisely who you want to get involved with!. You need the ability to not get yourself in a position or allow your feelings or emotions to rule your choices!. Think hard before getting involved!. Know the person!. Sorry I couldn't help but examine why you wrote your poem!. Live for loving yourself first!

You are obviously a special person, tell yourself that all of the time!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't really worry too much about points at this stage !
Details !?
Not very original or inspiring !.I'm afraid !.!.even the Beatles did better
Not what I call a poem !.!.but then , I prefer T S Eliot or Yeats !.!.

by: W!. B!. Yeats (1865-1939):

DANCE there upon the shore;
What need have you to care
For wind or water's roar!?
And tumble out your hair
That the salt drops have wet;
Being young you have not known
The fool's triumph, nor yet
Love lost as soon as won,
Nor the best labourer dead
And all the sheaves to bind!.
What need have you to dread
The monstrous crying of wind!?

I guess I won't get the points !! Too bad!Www@QuestionHome@Com

that is the pain of 'love'!. lol, I have come to believe in my short life time that most people DONT know what real love is any more, but I see in this that you have been hit head on by the love arrow!!=)
awesome poem, it flowed really nicely 10-10!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

i loved it b/c one line is described by the other it has a deeper meaning that i loved and i loved the way u finished with a question so 10 out of 10 its awsomeWww@QuestionHome@Com

A frustrated bachelor!.

If ones pens a poem
with abstractness
and offers prizes
do we answer!?
And if we choose
will he understand!?
Now that's abstract!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I really like that
2nd stanza 2nd line doesn't:
And her's is not mine
make more sense!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

then why do you live for love!?Www@QuestionHome@Com