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Position:Home>Poetry> In your opinion, why is poetry less popular these days?

Question: In your opinion, why is poetry less popular these days!?
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For two reasons, largely:

1!. Poetry is a more abstract art form that requires more in depth analysis to draw meaning than most prose calls for!. Reading Donne or Eliot requires 2-5 reads on average for me to come to any conclusion about what's being said!. In a culture where writers like Palahniuk have become the popular reads, there's no doubt that a lot of people just aren't up to the challenge of interpreting poetry!.

2!. Poetry today, to me at least, seems diluted!. It's become the cookie-cutter medium of angst teenagers and noncommittal revolutionists who seem to insist that it must be written and read in monotone or in a way reminiscent of early Shatner!. I don't doubt the genre will see a revival, though!!!!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To much convenient technology!. Everything is much to fast and people to ill minded for something as "drek" as poetry!. I wish it wasn't so, but it is!. But, I doubt that poetry will ever vanish completly, is an emotional nessesity!. Some people may consider music to be poetry, but it would take a lot for anyone to convince me that any song out now could be comparable to good poems!. They're just different animals!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it is because it requires more work to understand!. You have to put more thought into it!. Plus there aren't as many great poets or there are and because of the public disinterest in Poetry their talents aren't being show cased!. Plus Poets are very passionate people and I don't think there are as many passionate people who at the same time can cultivate there Passion into beautiful words!. I think all art forms are suffering (that includes:Poetry,Writing,Painting,Acting etc!. Music seems to be doing pretty good though)!. The art of it is completely lost! I've been reading about the 18th and 19th centuries lately and am stricken by the difference in the value of art today and then!. They truly valued art in those centuries where we don't seem to care at all!. Of course America has never really felt very passionate about art, it's much more power and political motivation!. France however is much better for arts of all kinds! Though even there I don't think it's nearly as strong as it was!. I do however feel that the younger generation will be much more art and creatively motivated than their parents who really weren't given a chance in a world basically determined to force them into the working class instead of aspiring to participate in any sort of creative outlet or even the hope of growing Business wise and accumulating wealth!. I think the time that artists were valued is going to make a comeback though! It's just going to take some work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The people today (not referring to the professional writers and philosophers) are not willing to get into deep meaningful worlds!. SMS era, as it is known, people tend to get satisfied with that much piece of language that conveys their message!.

Very rightly, the one page poetry has transformed into the one line message!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think because so much of the poetry now is alot alike, but if you look back on all the old stuff you will see every one had there own style and different sound!. !. !.and now every one soulds pretty much the same!.
Well, wait I have seen alot of people on Y! that have there own style and sound BUT, like I said to many of the now day writings have the same ring to them so its like reading the same thing over!. No offence to any one, my self included in "sounding mostly the same" but as most of us get older (me still being a kid) our poetry will get better and we will soon find our own style!. !. !.for those who stick with it any way=) Heres for hopin'!!!!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People dont have time to waste in useless things!. if they want to eat something they should work, not by reading poems! in old days people wasted their entire time writing poems and reciting and others used to read it!. now things have changed!. Its 'time' which brings changes!. We must accept it!.


there are more popular thing coming up just take example of movies which contain story, poetry (songs) so just Reading or listening to poetry is not remain popular plus you have to break head to find meaning of difficult poetry!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because in the good old days, everybody could recognize the forms!. Nowadays, poetry scares some people off because they don't understand it!. It has become an elitist form of art!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe it is!. There is a rise in open mic nights, and poetry sessions all over!. Many online sights cater to the poet as well!. It's everywhere, just look for it!.


The days of the horse-drawn poetry cart are long gone!. I remember when the poets used to sell fresh roasted verse up and down the street!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

poetry is less popular because nobody understands it anymore!.its not like our enlish these days!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its just bcoz no1 has the time to understand them!. Still most of us would appreciate a good one!. Now the age is of sms and not of long poems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

this generation only hears to rock muzic
they dont have time for these appreciable things they think its only boringWww@QuestionHome@Com

becoz, everyone says there is no future in poetry!its only use for romanceWww@QuestionHome@Com

People don't have time for themselves!., they want everything fast!.

short and sweetWww@QuestionHome@Com

Cause today, is the day of the 'SMS' who cares for poetry!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because most of it isn't any good at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

cause we have great film to watchWww@QuestionHome@Com