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Position:Home>Poetry> What do you suppose this poem is about?

Question: What do you suppose this poem is about!?

You gave me these white wings
Whose weight sank me down
Into the guilty waters of morbid memories
the looming darkness from which was born
something strangely pure:
A beautiful virgin clad in black
As I was dying,she had become real
Her mighty arms bore me here,
She resurfaced me above
inspite of the drowning sea pulling down

Now I see a beautiful sight up overhead
The colourful bursts of transcended souls
Spreading fire festivals across night skies
And i feel my old wings pierce back
through the bones of my shoulders
Flickers dance upon my face,beckoning me to fly
Calling me to stars,merge among their lights
I lift myself up and soar among the birds
Beyond the clouds,to a place
Away from your expectations
that I always fail to meet
Away from my rotten worthless self
from everything i hate
Breaking loose from the throes
of my tainted love for you
Until we meet again in our next livesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i think that the person writing it is speaking to someone who used to be a friend, saying that when the person made efforts to try to help the narrator, they seemed futile and they forced the narrator into a bout of depression and darkness that they had been subduing within their self their whole life!. But being forced to experience these trials and tribulation brought them upon the realization that the whole time they thought they were happy, they were only living in blissful idealism that created ignorance!. When they were forced to see through dark times, their vision became sharper and they no longer saw shapes in the clouds that their heads had always been in, but developed a more realistic point of view that they know they will be happier with in the long run!. At this point, the narrator believes they have learned that when you live happily as an ignorant person, you do not experience real happiness!. It is only when you see things for what they are that you have the ability to shed light on brittle reality!. Then, when the narrator gets their wings back, the motif contrasts with the first time they were mentioned, which was dark!. This time, the narrator gets them back feeling a "pierce", which probably works as a literary allusion, because after that the mood continues to be happier than before!. So maybe the talk of piercing and the narrator's feeling of the bones in their shoulders means that they finally are aware that no situation is all good or all bad, which was implied from the start!. "lift myself up" and "away from my rotten worthless self" sharply contrast!. That's hard to identify with!. The second words transfer feelings of self hatred, which usually don't associate with the initiation of self and sovereignty!. I think that's just a device in the poem used to express the contradicting emotions that we all feel most of the time!. Another possibility, relating to my own interpretation of the poem, would be that the person is finally leaving the person that they were when they had to be in a relationship with this person who has failed them!. They are leaving the personality that they hated to be, but that they compromised for the individual who betrayed them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well for me it's about unfaithfulness

which makes you feel guilty about it

or it's about breaking up with the one you love

that makes you feel worthless

well always do your best in your poems

spill all your feelings out in your poems

it's a great poem by the way!!!

^ ^Www@QuestionHome@Com

love, how it appears to make you free but then it drags you down until you hate yourself for not being good enough!. and then you die!.!.!.
kinda morbid really:
LOVE KILLSWww@QuestionHome@Com

Committing suicide as a form of escape and the experience of reincarnation!.!.!. I think!.Www@QuestionHome@Com