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Position:Home>Poetry> I was not chatting! Is this a valid question now?

Question: I was not chatting! Is this a valid question now!?
They deleted me!.!.!.again!. Here goes nothing!.


Lips on lips tell secrets that I have lost,
Opening doors that I long have hidden!.
Stop right now, you don't realize the cost,
Turn back, the path is blocked and forbidden!.

Offerings to gods who are ruled long dead,
Now close your eyes, my darling, clear your mind!.
Crafting a spell, erasing words you bled,
Exit this sick tableaux, break ties that bind!.

Intrepid you were once, but never more,
Risk this one last kiss then tell me good-bye!.
Even though it hurts to keep this vow I swore,
Help me to set you free before I die!.

Complete this tragic play I brought about!.
Hear me, flee this place, find your own way out!.

--an acrostic sonnet!.!.!.apparently a chatty one too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Oh yes very chatty!.!.!.the sensors dislike you apparently!.!.how dare you post poetry in the poetry section!.!.I personally think you should be taken out *lines up the shot with her arrow* that's right I'm getting old fashioned on your @$$! I have a spell for you it can cure all your ailments even your incessant need to write poetry!.!.!."Sana Sana colita de rana, si no sanas hoy sanaras manana"Www@QuestionHome@Com

No this is not a Vaild question unless your asking is this a vaild questiion and the poem has nothing to do with the orignal quesiton at hand!. then I would have to say yes this is a valid questionWww@QuestionHome@Com

I see no question their so I think it may be a chat violation or at least perceived as one!. but what was the question!? if it is if this is a good poem then Yes i Think it isWww@QuestionHome@Com

you got deleted more then once!?!. !. !. weird!. I liked your poem, my fave part was near the end "Complete this tragic play I brought about!.
Hear me, flee this place, find your own way out!."
good job=)Www@QuestionHome@Com