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Position:Home>Poetry> Last of the Nite. Is this mournful enough.?

Question: Last of the Nite!. Is this mournful enough!.!?

I cry for you, I must,
your beauty is my need!.
A kiss upon my cheek,
I fall to my knees!.

Abandoned, left to die,
cursed and crucified!.
Icy cries of pain,
Remembering is hell!.

In this world of mine,
I take one last look!.
Drove away by pride,
still chained to your bonds!.

Will you not forget me!?
I can't see the light!.
Will the moon return,
in the cool October night!.

This world keeps on turning,
As I do, but without you!.
In the shadows left unseen,
my very youth betrayed me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Its more than enough mournful!.!.!.!.!.!.your writings about pain and sorrows are wonderful,,!.!.!.!.!.!.feeling touches the heart directly!.!.!.!.and it is your success!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mournful enough!? it's so much more !.!.!.wistful and melancholy, somber yet poignant and it hurt my heart exactly as it should!. i wrote something with the same title yesterday but i am not sure how i feel about it yet and i am not eady to read it!. i know that you understand!. i don't know if i can change who i was when i actually loved myself as i was but it is too late; i am in the middle of major transformation and i am like a vulnerable creature trying to come out of chrysalis too soon!. Is it transformation or mutation of my natural self!?

Anyway, I hope the pain never goes away for people like us- it is not supposed to!. we are the best of what we should be when the worst was done to our most instinctual and innocent
state of being!. But divine intervention is possible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

thats amazing, awesome!! =) and yes, its mournful enough
thats a great poem though!! niceWww@QuestionHome@Com