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Position:Home>Poetry> A Dark Prince rewrite . Is it better.?

Question: A Dark Prince rewrite !. Is it better!.!?
"summer vacation"

Steamy hot, summer days,
gone forever in my mind!.

Forever lost, childish dreams,
places that I"ll never be!.

Even shadows reappear,
then fade away like morning dew!.

All my days are just the same,
dark and hurt, unending ways!.

With the scent of falling rain,
all who wait, just this day!.

Withered dead emotions,
I slowly slip away!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hello Dark Prince,

That was very very good!. Very Dramatic!. It's worded perfectly so that it paints a picture of the day in your head,of what the person is experiencing!.It takes you to the dark day, and you smell the falling rain and you feel the emotions that are described!.It's also not only gloomy but you've mastered the art of the gloomy,tragic, but beautiful Poem!. I like it a lot and can totally relate to the day you describe in the poem!. Very Very good!Www@QuestionHome@Com