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Position:Home>Poetry> Did you ever know a Mrs Mortenson?

Question: Did you ever know a Mrs Mortenson!?
Yes, a true story!. Yes, I was probably a smart a**, etc!. Some times you need to make a stand though!.

Mrs!. Mortenson

Forgive me Mrs!. Mortenson
my book report was fictitious!.
Yes, it was metaphorical in scope
and yes, I used has been a lot

The title I penned in honor of one
whose retirement in my thinking
should not have been interrupted!.
What a wasted year for both!.

I enjoyed my time alone this year
Two weeks and two days to be exact!.
Study hall by myself, got a lot done
The F on the report, a merit badge indeed!.

At the end of the year you retired for good
and I moved on to the next grade with ease!.
But the system that fawned this…hurt both!.
And I still don’t know what a dangling participle is!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If anyone can in simple terms tell me what a dangling participle is and why do we need them!. I had several teachers lose their hair, to bad they were women!. Great poem and a history lesson!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Suggestion - line 4 reword "and yes, I used has been a lot" - how about something like this - "and yes, "l" has been used a lot"

For without that noble word "it" - a lot of unknown thought is lost!. Not enough designation!? ;-)

I guess you've had a bad teacher - I think - I may be wrong!. Please excuse any suggestions you seem unnecessary - I am still learning!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even great writers dangle those participles sometimes!. It's very difficult to keep them contained!. You seem to keep them in control in your poetry, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is she the one who makes the coffee!?Www@QuestionHome@Com