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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem on the war in iraq?

Question: Poem on the war in iraq!?
You think you have it bad!?
You think you have little everyday problems that make you sad!?
Think about the war in Iraq for a change
And then maybe it will make your thinking rearrange
You eat something everyday and complain the food isn’t hot
Our soldiers don’t eat because they’re sick of seeing bodies rot
You complain about never seeing your girlfriend!?
Our soldiers don’t even see their wife or husbands
You cry over a friend that didn’t ever care for you to keep
While our soldiers watch families become torn apart and weep
You complain about how you’re tired for work and feel old
Our soldiers sometimes never sleep because they are on patrolWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
wow I really really really like your Poem!! !. !. !. I dont complain about those things!. !. I have learned to be thankful for all the things I have=)( but I did write a poem just now about a friend like that, but it was just a poem, heehee)
I support our soldiers 150%!!! and pray so very hard every night that soon they will all be able to come back home!.
God bless you and gread job on your poem!!! 10-10Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow you are amazing!.!.!. have you ever thought about submitting you poems online!?Www@QuestionHome@Com