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Position:Home>Poetry> I've been flipping coins lately, what do you think of the result?

Question: I've been flipping coins lately, what do you think of the result!?
Lesson Learned After A One-Night Stand With An Older Woman

I know a girl
who collects men
like beads,
puts them on a thread
dangling helplessly
each no different
to her
than any other,
just more beads
added to the collection
that causes her to beam with pride

Irresistible she is
in reality and fantasy
but once threaded
and valueless
does the man become the same
or does he learn
to pity!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I loved it!.!.!. Flows really nicely!.!.!. if I may respond in kind!.!.!.

I know a guy
He collects women
like coins,
puts them on his arm
simply for display!.!.!.
each no different
to him
just more coins
added to his collection
it causes him to beam with pride!.!.!.

Irresistible he is
in reality and fantasy
but once tarnished,
and valueless,
does the woman become the same
or does she learn
to forgive!?

Thank you for the inspiration,

I think it's very good, except at the end!.!.

'Or does he learn
to pity!?'

I don't believe that HE should pity, more the SHE!. She preys more or less, on men to fulfill her desires, while they may become emotionally attached to her, for whatever reason!. So, maybe you should look, but that's just my opinion, it's totally up to you!. I just found it strange that the man would pity her when she was the one that hurt him, if he was hurt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like this - Your question is that once used like this, would a man adopt this woman's heartlessness or see her as some one who will never know love, and feel pity not hatred for her!.

I find this an interesting poem too, since I have always imagined that men (given the choice) would prefer that more women were like this women!.!.!.!.slam, bam, thank you, Sam!.!.!.!.no complications, no strings, no emotional involvement!.!.!.!.and you have proved me wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The man becomes a pathetic and valueless toy for her to play with whenever she wants!. It is your choice whether you want to by a toy or a man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Pity the man or woman who has never valued love and settles for its stepchild, the one night stand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You're talking about a 'Cougar'!. Roar!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

needs a bit of work but a good startWww@QuestionHome@Com