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Position:Home>Poetry> "I Have a Little Shadow" Comments etc. to this poem ?

Question: "I Have a Little Shadow" Comments etc!. to this poem !?
Did I find fear
or fear find me
When was it known,
At birth's first wail
released from comfort's cave
of warmth and endless feed,
When eyes opened to see
sound reached my ears
or upon my first crawl!.
Could it have been
with my first step
and then the more,
first day of school
when testing skills
of body, mind, soul
became forever more
with each new day and year
of changing body, mind, soul!.

Did I find fear
or fear find me,
Was it known
when courage
raised it's sword
to be explored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Jenny, It seems maybe the name should be something about "fear!." I looked for the shadow and didn't find any references to it!. Poetry is extremely personal and you have made some references only you understand and that's good!. What's good is that others can interpret it their own way, because it is written in a very tasteful way!. Thanks for sharingWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have often wondered when fear showed its head - childhood and even early adulthood seems so sure - but somewhere there came fear!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A beautiful poem of overcoming fear of the unknown and finding the courage to face new challenges!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is the little shadow always little!? Nicely said!.Www@QuestionHome@Com