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Question: "We Real Cool" poem!.!.!.!?
I'm needing help trying to get a conclusion for the whole poem!. "We die soon!." How could I tease that out and feature what Gwendolyn Brooks is really saying!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just had my 5 year old read this poem in a book for his homeschool lesson last week!.

He thought "We die soon" was such a funny ending until I explained its inspiration!.

You say "tease that out" meaning "pin that last verse on the tail" while you deliver your interpretation!?

Check out the comment from Danyelle H here: http://www!.poemhunter!.com/poem/we-real-c!.!.!.

Explanation is right on track!. No better conclusion to get other than "we die soon"!.


I would say there are many ways to express the meaning of the poem!. One way is to say that the poem shows the imortality that young people feel, and the carefree persona that comes with being a youngerster!.

To put it simple, the poem is a bird's eye view of the teen or young adult life!.