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Position:Home>Poetry> "Writing Made Me Schizophrenic"?

Question: "Writing Made Me Schizophrenic"!?
It started when the young man was just a kid!.!.!.
- "Writing made me a schizo! It honestly did!"
-- I wonder if he'll argue with himself again!?
--- " I'd bet yes!.!.!. and that that's a bet I'll win!."

I might say!.!.!. that this kid seemed to be losing his lid!.
- "They'll think these side-notes are jokes (!.!.!. I hope)!."
-- "Shut up! You're a compulsive gambler and rambler, kid!."
--- "How can I lose if I'm betting with one of my better halves!?"
-- "Bastard! This was going to be serious; now, it'll get laughs!"

Yet, it seemed that he was considered rather talented!.!.!.
- "Ha! Ha! I don't have to say whose opinion that was!"
-- "!.!.!.Shhh!"
--- "Bastard!? We've got the same father, moron!"
---- "Idiota!"
--- "I'll bet 100 grand that dad won't want to finish this, now!."
-- "Fine!.!.!. if it shuts you up; I'll bet against that!."
--- "You can't even really cover that wager!!.!.!. can you!?"
-- "No, stupid!.!.!. but, I'm the one who edits this crap!. Stop distracting me, please!."
- "I hate you!"Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
All writers and poets are a little bit crazy!. It isn't the writing that makes us crazy; we write because we have the disposition to see the world beyond the norm!. As usual, you have done so!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a nice write up!. Better join Groundreport!.com and contribute this one and your other works!. For every end of the month, you will be paid!.
Good luck!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com