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Position:Home>Poetry> Whats a good poem about wanting someone to love you?

Question: Whats a good poem about wanting someone to love you!?
It's for a school project!. i need to compare one poem to one song and they must have a similar theme, mood, or tone!. I chose I Want You To Want Me by Cheap Trick, but i dont know very many poems!. Can anyone help me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A sonnet by Shakespear would be kinda cool!. Alot different to provide good aspects and a different twist on thingsWww@QuestionHome@Com

look up a few of yeats poems!.!.!. only thing is the theme in his poems is mostly kinda disguised!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

try http://henry-vaughan-poems!.com/ i think it's good!. sorry i'm new here !.!.trying to heklp!.!.hope this helpsWww@QuestionHome@Com