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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem for women called Her - She - Ms. ?

Question: A poem for women called Her - She - Ms!. !?
Her - She - Ms!.

Her eyes are brown, green, hazel, and blue!.
Her eyes can be any hue!.
Her eyes intriguing to you!.
Her voice is singing to you!.
Her smile enraptures you too!.
Her presence takes up your view!.
Her perfume lingers for you!.

She comes in like a surprise!.
She comes in every known size!.
She doesn't walk, no she glides!.
She knows she's captured all eyes!.
She made the temperature rise!.
She has control over guys!.
She makes them watch her like spies!.

Ms!. Black, Ms!. White, Ms!. Brown!.
Ms!. Everyshade Everytown!.
Ms!. On the dance floor gets down!.
Ms!. Always smiles never frowns!.
Ms!. Party dress to wedding gown!.
Ms!. So ignoring the clowns!.
Ms!. Never on the rebound!.
Ms!. Upward bound!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Only you, as a man, could write a woman this way!.!.!.!.you know the secrets, you respect, and honor women!.
A world-class poem, Semper!.!.!.absolutely!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's been a really emotional day!.!.!.
So it's just me, I'm sure!.!.!.
Yup, I'm sure!.
It's me - not you!.
This was lovely!.!.!. but I made myself feel sad!.!.!.
left out!.!.!.
I'm just a "Miss" and always have been!.!.!.!.
I just "missed" seeing what you would say about a "Miss!."


(I'll get over it!.)


This one takes the prize for me!. I don't know why but this one is really hot!. I think you truly have an understanding of women!. You took it to a whole new level!. It totally describes women!. You've got it and this one is hot!!! Loved it!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very beautiful friend ,you sure have a way to put words together,and make them come out so beautifully!., God Bless your talent!. Quiet a tribute to womanhood!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Her - She - Ms!. - you successfully covered all women - or essentially woman!. Very well done!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I remember the days when I knew all the perfumes!. Now, Beautiful by Este Lauder is all I need to know!.

Nicely written!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Quite an inventory! An enjoyable read, I await the Mrs!. Mature!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your wife is a very lucky woman, Semper!
This is gorgeous!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Semper, it's great!. You do a wonderful job of writing about women!. you have a keen insight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a good poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com