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Position:Home>Poetry> The FINAL version of this poem. It is too personal and I need to end it. Do you

Question: The FINAL version of this poem!. It is too personal and I need to end it!. Do you like it!.!?

Bitter tears drip down
my pale face!.
Those awful memories,
hidden by red lace!.
Secrets buried
deep inside!.
Things I hoped
to never find!.

Things endured
to survive!.
Nightmares earned
I was five!.
The truth screamed,
I went hoarse!.
The priest said no,
why remorse!?

My life is
slow suicide!.
Drugs and booze,
want to die!.
Blood and Pain
I could feel,
Scars he left
will never heal!.

I feel now
one way left!.
Say goodbyes,
the hell the rest!.
Burns, cuts, scars,
deface my skin!.
My own stigmata,
does the end begin!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think it is really good now!. It is the pain of your life put into words!. It is amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You are not alone in the things you have endured!. It doesn't make it easier, but knowing that others have suffered through various terrible events in their childhood and come to the other side ready to put themselves together, should help you see that there is more than letting go!.

The poem is fantastic!. Your images sharp and clear and fearful, because it can happen to anyone!.

You have completed the poem -- A+Www@QuestionHome@Com

Beautifully written! Well done! Not too personal!. Who knows, you could just be writing poetry for all we know!. However, if these are personal experiences, you will overcome!. You are well on your way to recovery!. If you weren't you could not share such deep experiences!. Sometimes you have to smile by faith, soon the joy will follow!. Smiling will send a message to your whole body that everything is going to be okay!. Peace to you!Www@QuestionHome@Com

WOW!!! Do you write professionally!?!?!? It's amazing and sad how through tragedy in life comes such beautiful expression from the soul!.!.!. I just hope that the suicide that you speak of is the death of the past and not of the future!. Unfortunately, through pain and suffering is when we learn how to live!.!.!.It's beautiful!. (I'm an English teacher)Www@QuestionHome@Com

OMG O!.o thats a great ending! i couldnt think of something like that if i was in so much pain!!!!!!go to my question on my hompage ok!? its the one that has a face on it =*( like that!. plez answer it! i'm crying for someone to answer it!!!ps old buddy is a person!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow, you are talented, and I'm sorry that people are like that sometimes, you didn' t deserve that and I hope you realize it!. Keep up the wonderful work!.Www@QuestionHome@Com