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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem for you?

Question: A poem for you!?
presumably an astoundment of differences,
drowned in the deluge of modern past times,
recaptured and surrounded in time lit up by flares,
glory was it to rule this world,
take me down to river i can not drink again,
the fortune that was a moment to soon,
credentials lost on the vast plane of nothingness!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hi! You just keep on writing!. It sounds to me like you love poetry, and you also have a gift for it!. I’m not sure if I’m interpreting your poem correctly!. There's some hints: if modern times are a deluge, then that's a value-laden statement; one which I agree, by the way!. Modern life deluges us!. Line 4 seems to be a question: "glory was it to rule this world," but you do not use the question mark!. It seems as if this is the heart of the poem and the heart of your message!. Because the rest of the poem - the last three lines describe your feeling, and the reader must see that these are reactions to line four!. There remain several puzzles for the reader: "the fortune that was a moment to soon," I'm not sure what that fortune is, i!.e!. I'm not sure what you mean!. If you are referring the glory that ruled the world, that would make sense to me, because we don't want glory to rule the world; we want other more positive things" friendships, family, justice, peace, etc!. The credentials you portray as lost and on a vast plane of nothingness!. Therefore, they were false credentials, I think!. Again, I see it as referring back to the (false) glory!. The poem is personal and also universal: you speak from our own personal experience and generalize and universalize; this is good poetry!. When you do this, you reach out to your audience, and you also magnify the significance of your own life!. I like your poem!. I hope you do more!. Don't get discouraged by this forum!. There's a lot of great people!. You just need a little time also to get to know them a little!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

more were's better than now's hurt
passing by
the past I
passed long ago
in a shiny pale yellow Plymouth
across painted empty canvasses
cracked by time and stirred by wind
filled the mind hole with the credentials
of everything
to know in the plain, plains of nothingness
as a journeyed on that ribbon of asphalt
ignored but a part of the mythical yesterday
my contemporial nows find glory in themWww@QuestionHome@Com