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Position:Home>Poetry> A random rambling poem... want to read it?

Question: A random rambling poem!.!.!. want to read it!?
My mind brings itself into rages;
Feeling caged in its fear of cages!.
It's less scared of close-range 12-guages!.
Occasionally looking for friends in book pages!.
Taking joy in imaginary smoky scents & sages!.
Finding random, stupid games for my idle times to play with!.
Looking for unhealthy joys to spend healthily happy days with!.
Sometimes cooking up un-felt words that I might get slain with!.
I direct cusses and curses at myself far more than anyone else!.
Holding elections for guns that I can run with or aim at myself!.
New thoughts come from 100-year-old books from my shelf!.
I've beat myself up more than I've searched for piles of wealth!.
Death always seems to be a step or two behind me!.!.!. oh well;
So, I tend to my health by telling it to go to hell!.!.!.
while I smile at the sounds of nearby church bells!.
I've never given a ten to anything produced from my pen, without laughing at having done so!.
mind laughing that my hands seem slow
as it gunslings and goes gung-ho!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
!.!.!.In patches!.!.!.sorta!.!.!.sorta

I'm not sure what you are saying, and I would like to be!.

You have an interesting poem, an interesting story, but, as you say, it is rambling!.

What is your theme!? Just for my information!.Www@QuestionHome@Com