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Position:Home>Poetry> A light hearted look at speeding!! What do you think? I wrote it?

Question: A light hearted look at speeding!! What do you think!? I wrote it!?

Sunday drivers are a pain!.
they always take their time,
they never let you pass them
it could make you lose your mind!.

They weave first left, then to the right,
then back and forth again,
and when the way is clear to pass,
You find you're on a bend!.

So you ride along behind them
and you steam and fume and curse,
never stopping to consider
that it really could be worse!.

That "Sunday driver" made you stay
within the legal speed,
even when a car raced past;
like a knight upon 'is steed!.

And though you cursed him up and down
and carried on so bad;
when you rounded the next corner
you were really awful glad!.

'Cause there along the roadside,
you see the flashing light
of a car that looks familier;
You've seen them; black and white!.

And there's the knight who passed you
See, he has to take the rap
'Cause he raced way on up ahead,
into a radar trap!Www@QuestionHome@Com

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