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Position:Home>Poetry> Rate this poem, you'll like it!!?

Question: Rate this poem, you'll like it!!!?
“I Swear I Didn’t Know”

Swallowed by the ocean’s raging glow
There is no hope as the sands stand still
The mercy once portrayed in the face of the rising sun
is now justice delivered never to be undone

Ravages of war was blood silently spilled
as thoughts grasped shadow and words were demon fangs
Hearts turned to stone, chills reached the bone
Fear clipped the Angel’s wings and death sang

His poisonous tune hidden in a soft breeze
Held still my eye and stole Heaven’s key
I chased that Devil, that Devil I never see
only to realize that the Devil is me

Standing upon a rock swallowed by the ocean’s flaming glow
My souls pierced by darkness screaming “I swear I didn’t know”Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i really like this poem!.
the way you wrote it, it makes it so!.!.!.!. wow!.
i cant explain!.
its really good!.
thats all i can say!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked the rhymes tossed in here or there!. I thought you did a really good job with that while keeping a steady flow!. I agree it's hard to rate something like this, but it's executed nicely without being overly depressing or overbearing in any way!. I also like how you bring back the image from the first line!. It really helps to tie it together!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that was written very well, and it's fabulous!.
I like the semi-dark mood it sets!. Most impressive!.
But I do agree that you can't rate poetry!. If you are expressing your feelings in a creative way, who is anyone to say to you that it sucks!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really liked it!. I dont think you can rate a poem when it is someones emotion!. Like going into a funeral and giving everyones 'preformance' a rating!. But i thought it was very good!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Sorry, didnt do anything for meWww@QuestionHome@Com