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Position:Home>Poetry> Want to read my poem... criticize, give opinions, etc.??

Question: Want to read my poem!.!.!. criticize, give opinions, etc!.!?!?
Losing my peers has me losing my ability to shed tears!.
They might not like who I am!.!.!. I never really have cared;
It seems to me, that mourning is contagious and shared!.
Hatred, fists and bullets flying everywhere and in pairs!.

Wondering for moments at a time; is anything truly fair!?

Revenge is what America's bald eagle represents to me!.!.!.
Our foreign policy; encouraging haters to grow like hair!.
Watching the news only freezes my heart and my mind;
Making it harder for me to recognize love and the kind!.

A world so cold-hearted that it spreads to our minds!.

"Respect is earned", is an opinion so commonly shared;
We're turning respect into a thing more difficult to find!.
Fear and paranoia!.!.!. the torn ties amongst communities;
Guns and uniforms worn, leaving sticks & stones behind!.

Is humanity truly worthy of it's relation to the word "humane"!?
Humanity's past-time seems to be driving each other insane!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I think is an emotionally and verbally strong message!.!.!.I could totally see this as being an urban rap song of sorts!.!.!.!.It is perhaps more personal and issues that reflect your thoughts lately!. I would give it an 8!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I like your poem and agree 100% with you!.
Great job!Www@QuestionHome@Com

nice!. i like the first and eighth lineWww@QuestionHome@Com