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Question: For the new poets!.!.!.!.!.!.care to comment!?
Literary talent, they say,
Is a rare and valuable find
A product of imaginings
From a full and fruitful mind
To release the sleeping power within
Is to set free all that is true
The thoughts and random reasoning
That are formed to create the You
Identifying that which is worthy
And discarding everything false
Choosing to follow an instinct
Makes you different to everyone else
But despite the path that is lonely
And regardless of critical voice
Pursue all the stories inside you
Make expression the gift of your choice

Bless to all poets on YA!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
This is interesting, recently I have discovered writing and that it can be fun, and I have actually written good things!. That is an inspiring poem!. Two thumbs upWww@QuestionHome@Com

Ok this is a very good poem
but here are a few suggestions that may help a bit
1!. 6th line, make 'that is' to'that's', I think it makes it smoother
2!.12th line, now reading this, I feel like 'instincts' refers to 'primal instincts' and/or sexual instincts and sometimes if you follow those instincts it can lead to bad situations!. I feel like you should say the opposite, 'Makes you the same as everyone else', just food for thought
3!. get read of 'and' in line 14
4!. get read of 'your' in the final line

If you do these collectively I think you'll see that it makes it little smoother!. On top of that, I give this poem a 10!. There's a great message and it put's very well!.Good Job!

Maybe the title can be 'Gift of Choice'Www@QuestionHome@Com

this poem is very well written the rhyming pattern is very good!. All I want to know is what the title is going to be!. If you need any suggestions here are some: Express yourself,Www@QuestionHome@Com

How am I supposed to know if I'm a new poet or not!?
Wherever I go she follows me, along for the walk to my house!.