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Position:Home>Poetry> Is this as hard to read as it was to write?

Question: Is this as hard to read as it was to write!?
I almost couldn't get through it!.!.!.


Shimmering surfaces
Burning bright
As the lights go down
And the heights fall
Ripples sending chills
Down our backs
Through our minds
Screams of confusion
Rising smoke
Falling glass
Failing hearts
Falling bodies
Jumping from the fire to
On the ground below
Young eyes
‘where is mommy!?”
Fear does not describe
The look in grandpas eyes
‘we’re all going to DIE!’
The Towers been hit!
The skies are meeting earth
‘where’s mommy!?’
Even now
I can hear their screams
As the Twins fell…Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I remember the moments of terror as the towers fell!.!.!.I sat watching in the same horror that this poem evokes with its intensely powerful imagery!. You might think of calling it "Twin Towers" if you feel the need to illuminate the content, or just "Towers", with the last line completing the precise meaning!. I am very moved by this poem!. It brings back into my awareness the way I felt sat the time and this is good!. We should never forget these moments!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Is this a reference to Gemini, or the lovers!? I don't understand Caron!.!.!.but then, this is also ver interesting!. A reference to the Tower, fear and destruction, flailing bodies leaping, or so the Fenestra reports!. Still, a gruesome, graphic image!. FP sent me this !? via e-mail!. I do believe you have a fan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is fitting that most poems are in the shape of a tower!. This one is rippling down the side!.!.!. again, fitting!. I hope they get it when it is read!. I can still remember where I was at the time it all happened!.!.!. I was one of the young eyes, unaware!.!.!. I think, in a way, we all were in that moment!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I get very nervous when I talk about these kinds of poems!. If I say the wrong thing then offense can be taken!. I think it was well written!. I liked the flow, the chaos, the power, emotion!. I just don't know the words to say on the subject matter directly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would have known even if you hadn't told me!.!.!. but it seems Eva would not have *wink* & *smile*!.!.!.

Very good Rouxe, you have delved deep again and produced a work of streangth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com