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Position:Home>Poetry> Critique My Poem: Twinkling, Twinkling Little Stars?

Question: Critique My Poem: Twinkling, Twinkling Little Stars!?
Twinkling, Twinkling Little Stars
Let me dream where you are
Far away in the endless space
Glittering rays of beauty and grace
Sending greetings to planet earth
Bringing joy to lonely hearts
Diamonds, diamonds filling the skies
Candles, candles of mystery lights
Keep us company till dawn arrivesWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I liked your poem!.!.!. stars make very good company!. They're always around for you, even when you can't see them!.
I usually can't see too many of them where I live, though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When all else fails reach for the stars!. It will keep you company, do not forget to make some room for me though!. I have signed on too!. This is beautiful as usual!. You rockWww@QuestionHome@Com