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Position:Home>Poetry> Poem I love?

Question: Poem I love!?
My best friend wrote the following poem!.
I love it SO much!. Tell me what you think of it:

I'd like to think what comes and goes
is more than just a moment;
that God is up there welcoming
more than just his chosen!.
I'd like to think that those we love
will smile and never change;
that what we know of evil
will never hold a name!.
I'd like to think that someone
is smiling down on us;
that there'll be less whispers
and we could learn to trust!.
I'd like to think, eventually,
we'll all turn out okay;
and those who are alone
will finally find their way!.
I'd like to think that living
is more than fearing death;
that we can grab each moment
and never waste a breath!.
I'd like to think a lot of things,
though nothing lasts forever;
just take my hand and walk with me my friend,
we'll walk together!.
And if you fall or lose your faith,
I'll be right there to guide you!.
I'd like to think the least I'll do
is walk on right beside you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very thoughtful!.Www@QuestionHome@Com