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Question: A poem =)!.!?
Sticks and stones
May break my bones
But words will always
Hurt me

The way you shout
Like I’m not there
I don’t know what its about
And frankly I don’t care

I just want the screaming
And yelling to cease
My brain is streaming
I fall to my knees

And beg that god
Can save my family
I start to sob
My mom is leaving

Now I am stuck in te midst
Of punches near me
Each blow hits
I wish he would see

Through the haste
Just cause he’s the one
Disposing the waste
Of anger on his son

I’m on the other end
Taking it as well as I can
My heart a mess
Alone now i stand

plleeeaassee rateWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
really really good for your age
i hope this isn't from experience though
if you need to talk to someone feel free to contact me
but awesome poem!.!.!.reallyWww@QuestionHome@Com

Great poem
It talks about hurting feelings
like sticks and stones
will break my bones
but names and words will
and they do if the wrong ones come out
Then there is the yelling and screaming
shouting like as you aren't there
There is alot of anger occuring here
It reminds me of why can't people get aong!.
abuse is wrongWww@QuestionHome@Com

The first stanza is kind of cliched!. The rest is okay!. Of course, you are 12, so, like myself, you have plenty of time to get yourself some experience and even better skills!.Www@QuestionHome@Com