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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like my poem? I call it it "Politics"?

Question: Do you like my poem!? I call it it "Politics"!?
The country spreads its legs for another president,
Give him everything he desires; including a residence,
Its like the blind leading the blind,
At the end war is all we find!.

Just take a mortal man and put him in control,
Watch him become a God as time revolves,
Watch him cut off peoples necks in hope of immortality,
Such a loss of morality!.

Why cant we as citizens look into their eyes,
And see their empty lies,
With power comes greed,
Which blinds them from seeing that peace and harmony is all we need!.

After all the bullets have been emptied out of the guns,
And when its all said and done,
Will this world be united as one!?


Do u like it!? Rate it :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
We have kings!. We have "leaders" , we have presidents, we have "elders", we have Popes, we have Captains, Generals, we have Teachers and Professors!. We have Moms, and Dads, and even older siblings!. There is the class president, the school president, the principle, the bully down the street, they are all in charge !. Of who!?
Pick your higher power, God or Satan!.

So there we have it, the one in charge and the followers!.
I wish we could do away with these things, like leaders, and presidents, and dictators and rulers, and business owners, and bosses!.
But then, what would the followers do!?
So whats the answer!. What instead!.
What is the answer!.

I read this somewhere, i liked it, " !.!.!.!. and the meek shall inherit the earth!.!.!." I hope there's some meek bosses out there!
The poem was ok, a little powerless sounding, a little defeatism in there, but , we all agree with it!. What's going on now , isn't working, never did and never will!.
( you do too have a heart )Www@QuestionHome@Com

I will give you some truth here
I like how you incorporated the words
for this poem!.
Two lines in particular
Why cant the citizens look in the eyes
to see the empty lies
The lies occur when promises are not kept
and are broken!.
The truth is blind
as one will findWww@QuestionHome@Com

Simplistic, but written with a nice flow!. Sarcasm is often best served subtlely for when registered it has the most impact!. I rate this as a good politcial dissent poem that with more work could shine like it deserves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's good!. The message comes across really good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was good!. 10/10Www@QuestionHome@Com

love it
its a 10Www@QuestionHome@Com