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Position:Home>Poetry> Ok, something not dark from the Dark prince. Many requests, i hope it is liked.?

Question: Ok, something not dark from the Dark prince!. Many requests, i hope it is liked!.!?
"cotton candy"

She resides within my mind!.
Hidden deep within my world!.
I see the past in front of me,
my intentions are so clear!.
I've run away from my pain,
to a world of a dream!.
Your lips like cotton candy,
I'm lost inside your eyes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A lady in the mind, a dream girl!. The lips so inviting, the eyes haunting your mind!. Kiss the lips and it's like kissing cotton candy, they turn to nothingness, just as cotton candy disappears in your mouth!. I think we all have one of those buried deep in memories, sitting in there waiting for a chance to surface and bring us pleasure and pain!. I like it!.

Note to thumb down trolls!. It doesn't matter how many thumbs down ratings you do, it makes no difference!. A thumbs up with give someone and extra point if they are chosen as best answer, but a thumbs down doesn't take points off, so why bother!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure it is good! It is more like a story or memories in your mind!. To be good poetry for me, some wordings would need to be changed!. Something like this!. However, keep it like you LIKE it!

She resides within my world
hidden deep within my mind!.
I see the past in front of me
where intentions were so kind!.

I've run away from pain
to cotton candy dreams,
lost inside your pretty eyes
where nothing is real, it seems!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Too many ideas are presented (some a bit cliched I might add), making it a bit of a jumbled mess!. I don't understand what the "cotton candy" bit has to do with anything!. Unless you're just proud that you came up with that description all by yourself!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was pretty good, I think I like rhyming poems better but it is still good!. Keep on doing wat you are doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com