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Position:Home>Poetry> Anyone know a love poem that has irony in it?

Question: Anyone know a love poem that has irony in it!?
like not the actualy word "irony' !.!. but like a sentence or two in the poem is irony!.
id REAAAALLLY appreciate it if you could help me out here!.
thanks :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OK, these might work!. depends on the irony your looking for!.

The lady of shallot, by Alfred Lord, Tennyson!. Its about a girl trapped in a tower and if she leaves she will die!. she watches people pass by!. one day she sees Lancelot and decides to leave the tower because she is "half sick of shadows," and wanted to love!. she leaves and gets in a boat to take her down river to the town, Camelot!. but she dies before she gets there!. Lancelot finds her body!. It is ironic because she didn't die upon leaving the tower (as the prophecy predicted), but dies as she lets the river float her away, as she gives into her dreams and into love!.

Romeo and Juliet!. If you don't know the story, the two fall in love, but their families are huge enemies!. To make a long story short, their families are cursed because of their hatred towards each other and their constant fighting, and it takes the death of their innocent children, Romeo and Juliet to realize how silly and ignorant their fighting is, and how strong love can become!. Irony being the death of their children allows them to see life and love again!. A great line is, "These violent delights have violent ends and in their triumph die like fire and powder, which as they kiss consume!."

Fire and Ice by Robert Frost!. The poem is not directly about love, but could be interpreted to fit the question of love!.

Some say the world will end in fire,
Some say in ice!.
From what i've tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire!.
But if I had to perish twice,
I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction of ice
Is also great
And would suffice!.

I don't know how "professionals" read this poem, but I understand it to mean is it better to have loved and been hurt than not to have loved at all!? Will it be our jealousy and desire that brings our unhappy ends, or will we isolate ourselves from such natural love and feeling in order to save ourselves!. It is ironic because the author, I think!. indicates that it will be our intense humane feeling which may be love and desire, that will bring upon our hatred and end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

IF by Rupyard Kipling
THE CHAMBERED NAUTILUS by Oliver Wendell Lewis
CONCORD HYMN by Ralph Waldo EmersonWww@QuestionHome@Com