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Position:Home>Poetry> What Do You Think About This Poem I've Written?

Question: What Do You Think About This Poem I've Written!?
What is love!?
What is love but a word we use!?
What is love, but a feeling we claim to feel!?
What is love!?

Love is the way you can say nothing, but say everything!.
Love is the way you can smile for no reason and not even notice
Love is feeling speechless in the most talkative situations!.
Love is counting down the minutes until you meet again!.

So what is love!?
Love is the reason, love is the question, love is the answer!.
Love is the maker, the breaker, the teaser!.
Love is the leader, the protector, the peacemaker, the destroyer!.

Love turns the worst poets into Shakespearean sonnet writers!.
Love makes the strongest weak and the weakest strong!.
Love makes the heavens rain and shine!.
Love makes the seas forget to swell!.
Love sets the suns, and forges the stars!.
Love gives the hopeless hopes, brings the dreamers dreams!.

What is Love!?
Indeed what is love!?
To sum it up,
In a single phrase!?
Or a single word!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
awesome poem!!
that third stanza is really impressive to me!.
great jobWww@QuestionHome@Com

love is great and so is this poem
this poem is love:)Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's good, but the theme "love" is so overused that it just feels like another love poem!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


T_T It makes me jelous!. It is too happy for me!.*mumbles* I would like to be loved!.!.!. Other than that it is a good poem!Www@QuestionHome@Com