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Position:Home>Poetry> Need help writing a sonnet about happiness?

Question: Need help writing a sonnet about happiness!?
I have to write a sonnet and I chose to write mine about happiness!.!.!.
I need an extended metaphor for the title and just just a general idea for the sonnet!.
Thanks for the help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
To establish a metaphor for happiness, write down a list of things that you equate to happiness!. Is happiness your enjoyment of music!? Is it the promise of calm after the storms of life!? Is it the scent of spring flowers, the laughter of children, the comforts of home!?

I seem to remember the title, "Happiness is a Warm Puppy," being used!. That is a good example of a metaphor for happiness!.

When you define happiness in terms of something that represents it to you, a metaphor will present itself!.

Good luck!. Sonnets are a challenge, but the results are very satisfying!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A sonnet consists of fourteen lines eight lines (octave) above six lines(sestet)!. With a general rhyme of aabb!. Happiness is a good topic however happiness can be an abstract term as it can mean many things to many people!. The use of metaphor is a good start, but it should be your own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A Sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines that follows a strict rhyme scheme and specific structure!.

Here's one of mine : Please use it for reference only!. It's written in Shakespearean Sonnet's Format :


My life is gloom and dull, (a)
Misery even hate me so ; (b)
Woe is me, thus my soul, (a)
None care and really know!. (b)

Days, i waste in a daddle, (c)
Lonely cried and cupid laugh ; (d)
Clairvoyance then gave me an Angel, (c)
Clad with heart full of love!. (d)

She spoke her heart in word, (e)
And take away my sorrow ; (f)
Is there one who's worth, (e)
Who heals but left me hollow!. (f)

Doubts left me wonder from all angle, (g)
O me ! Do i deserve such an Angel!. (g)
Notes : the alphabets a,b,c,d,e,f,g indicates the rhymes of each line!.

Good Luck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com