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Position:Home>Poetry> Whats your opinion on this poem?

Question: Whats your opinion on this poem!?
The senators face is a hemmorhoid
looking for a burning flame
a train rolling down the tracks
a mutilated penis
struggling to be seen as beauty
a shunned and painful experiment
feces baked into a salad
fools eating their own feces
in blissful ignorance
the mutilated penis weeps
forgotten and unlovedWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very high in shock value!.!.!.if thats what you're going for!.!.!.

Very offensive to most people, and the lack of rhyme throws them off too!.

I would love to hear the meaning or purpose behind the poem so that I can make a better decisionWww@QuestionHome@Com

well that poem is kinda weird but I think you have used a lot of allegories like that mutilatin' "thing" and that feces salad but anyway its not bad!.!.Its just my first time to read a poem like thisWww@QuestionHome@Com

That is what you call a literary bluff!. It is a parody of bad poetry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its differentWww@QuestionHome@Com

umm!.!.!. gruesomeWww@QuestionHome@Com