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Question: Poemm =)))!?
the school year is quickly ending!.!.!. would this be too stalkerish to give to my crush!?

i havent come up with the last stanzaa yet

I know your with him
And that’s that
But look away for a while
As a matter of fact

There has been something
On my mind this year
And right now
I truly fear

That it has got the best of me
But you were always there
If you could turn away and see
To speak to you I dare

And tell you whats really
Been on my mind
It’s a little bit silly
But when I see you I find

That no matter what happens
Your lighten my mood
And no matter what you go through
Ill be there for you

I bet this sounds stalkerish
And its weird
But please let me finish
To me its clear

This sounded right in my head
But when I put my feelings into words
Every word you said
Turns into a blurWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
im all for giving poetry but not to a girl you just crush on!.!.!. she will think the wrong thing of you and you will regret it forever!. she will think that you are awkward as hell or that you're a creeper!. neither one is something you want her to think!. besides the rhymes sound like you just finished reading "Cat In the Hat" before you started writing this!. When its a love poem, try longer, smoother pace with the poem!. and use words people don't hear often to add a romantic style to the poem!. instead of "There has been something\ on my mind this year\ and right now\ i truly fear" try "Hearing your voice\ awakes a presence inside\ it haunts me and taunts me\ It calls me to your side!" the difference is with the longer, smoother tone than with the short, choppy tone that you are using!. but sad to say, love poem advice won't help you!. DON'T GIVE HER A POEM! you will regret it and beat yourself up on how stupid you acted!. just tell her how you feel without rhyming or writing anything!. say it in a non-creepy, non-"Stalkerish" way!. good luck man!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not really!. Although you did use the word stalkerish in the poem lol!. Naw, I think the girl will think its cute and sweet!.

The poem isn't stalkerish, you weren't following her around everywhere without her knowing, right :P Plus it seems like you have a friendship with her and she knows you!.

Anyways, I thought the poem was nice and showed your emotions, honestly!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

don't say stalkerish, DON'T EVER say that - it will scare the crap out of her and she'll get bad ideas ok!! add some " shy guy stuff" and how the poem was all for her, you know - " your heart races as you see her" but its really sweet!. don't be too sweet or too romantic!.

i think your poem is pretty much fine though!. but if you ultimately feel that your poem is just fine!.- leave alone ok!Www@QuestionHome@Com

How about
(I bet this sounds like a stalker) in that one stanza maybe!.!.!.!.
but the wording in the rest of it works, good job!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's kind of corny!. Especially toward the end, "I bet this sounds stalkerish!."
--You bet!! =/ You'd kind of freak me out if you gave me this poem honestly, especially if we never really talked and you said that you like me!. But, of course, I don't really know the entire story!. (Not my job)
The rhyme is what makes it corny, I think!. Everyone's heard that rhyme before!. And the way that, if you say it outloud (yes, I did say it outloud) made it worse!. Restart maybe!. Write something original, not the usual corny I've got a stalker-type crush one you last minute before I never see you again poems!. Give her something nice!. Maybe, instead of making it so clear that you like her, use symbols with it!. Hint at the fact that you like her but don't really tell her!. BUT, make sure she gets the message as well!.

My opinion!. =3Www@QuestionHome@Com