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Position:Home>Poetry> Any thoughts on this 'work of art'?

Question: Any thoughts on this 'work of art'!?
It is like a cookie crumb found on the gutterway!.
A remnant of its own past!.
How did it end up this way!?
What did it think of at last!?

Oh how the cookie crumbles and groans!.
It is a shadow of a thought!.
A child's delight or a hobo's last bones
Tis a simple treat that was bought!.

All that remains is a speck
Only enough for a little bird peck!.
Such a sad way to go!.
It has nothing to show!.

And life is just like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a little confusing and you get to the point of the story in a weird sort of way i think if you had it like!.!.!.
It is like a cookie crumb found on the gutterway!.
A remnant of its own past!.
How did it end up this way!?
What did it think of at last!?

Oh how the cookie crumbles and groans!.
It is a shadow of a thought!.
A child's delight or a hobo's last bones
Tis a simple treat that was bought!.

And life is just like that!.

All that remains is a speck
Only enough for a little bird peck!.
Such a sad way to go!.
It has nothing to show!.

or something i dunno it just doesnt seem finished but other than that wow you have some great talent :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I have just gotten into a little bit of poetry writing starting a couple of years ago, and at first I did not get it!. Maybe because I am TIRED! Ha ha ha!. But then after reading it a couple more times, it made sense!.
I like rhyme patterns in poetry, and also for the message of the poem to not be so obscure that it seems so lofty so as to not mean much of anything at all!.
But your poem DID make me think some, which I believe is a GOOD thing!. If you walk away, wondering what a poem means, it seems a waste of time!. So I like your poem, but also prefer more "meat", to where it is not just one line that makes you think!. No offense, & I am no expert, but do have quite a few people that really like what I have written so far!. I have not had as much time as I would like, to devote to writing poetry!. But I have written about 10 or 11 poems so far!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is like a cookie crumb,not found
In rich!.
The gutterway,stands abound!.

The remnauts of a crumblin past
Allways done this way!.
At last!.

The cookie crumbels,groans and moans!.
The day is gone at last!.

A shadow of another thought!.
A child"s delight!.
The treat was brought!.

A speck remains
A bird in there!.

Such is sad
I know not where!.Www@QuestionHome@Com