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Position:Home>Poetry> How you like my poem ?

Question: How you like my poem !?
I Just Wonder
I just wonder if you know i miss you
i wish you where still here!.
I just wonder if you look down
and know i haven't moved on!.
I just wonder if you know that
i am still holding on to an
impossible love that has gone!.
I just wonder if you know
that i try to pretend your not gone!.
I just wonder if you know that
in my dreams i could still smell you
i could still feel your touch i
dont want to wake up!.
I just wonder if you know,
that I know your in a better place,
and that you are safe!.
I just wonder if you know
that i think of you every minute of the day!.
I just wonder if you know that
i am still in love with you
I just wonder if you know!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
loving it =] 10/10Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked the emotions and the truth behind it!. I did not like the technique after a while!. What you basically have here is a list poem and the constant repetition of "I just wonder" gets to be annoying by the end!. So, I would suggest using "I just wonder" as your title and getting rid of the the phrase from all but maybe the first and last lines!. It would probably flow better that way as well!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think it needs work!.

i just wonder if you know
that you still dominate my thoughts
and i just wonder if you know
the way you hold me in your sway;
i just wonder if you know
that i've always felt love for you
and i was just wondering if you knew
that i always will!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

its too goodWww@QuestionHome@Com

it's really cute :)Www@QuestionHome@Com