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Position:Home>Poetry> For people who say i only write sad evil dark poetry. How is this one.?

Question: For people who say i only write sad evil dark poetry!. How is this one!.!?
"the storm"

A glorious storm rides the sky,
Like a guest from eterniity,
I feel the cold, winter never dies,
I raise my hands, towards the murderer above!.
As i open up my eyes!.
Drifting in a sea of fire,
It can never die!.
The kindgdom beyond the sky!.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
First of all, I like your poems from what I've read!. =3 And anyway, what does it matter what people think!? You don't write for them, you write for yourself!. You just let other people see it!. =3

A glorious storm rides the sky,
Like a guest from eterniity,
I feel the cold, winter never dies,
I raise my hands, towards the murderer above!.
As i open up my eyes!.
Drifting in a sea of fire,
It can never die!.
The kindgdom beyond the sky!.

You forgot to cap an "I" again!. I LOVE it!! It's awesome!. But, for line seven, maybe you could say "that can never die"!.
And the last line doesn't connect with the line above it to me!. It seems out of place!. You should replece that with something else!.

My opinion!. :] Keep posting!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do you not want to write sad, evil, dark stuff!?
If that is what you come up with naturally,
you shouldn't doubt it!.
And you definitely shouldn't care what others think of it!.
You should write for yourself, to let out your own feelings,
and worry about criticism later!.
A REAL poem comes right out of your soul!.!.!.
If you think about other people's opinions too much,
it may mutilate your specific creative style, and we don't want that!
A true artist does not care!.
That is the bottom line, for me!. :o)

But even though this poem is not your usual theme,
I think it is still very nicely put, your choice of words!.
I like the simple edge!.

Good luck with future poetry!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A windless storm controls the night
Eternal fear before the light!.

A evil forms the shadows low!.
Blood is splilt apon the snow

A drift of murder fills the air
A kiss
So sweet
In time we meet!.
The cold!.

Before you kill me,once to hold
Another place
Another time
And thats a cut!.

Another murder movie doneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Here I am, Well lets see what I have to say!.

I liked the first two lines and the ending 4!. The middle I think needs some work!.

All in all I enjoyed it and thought it was good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com