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Position:Home>Poetry> This is an old poem Todd helped me with. This is a new version.?

Question: This is an old poem Todd helped me with!. This is a new version!.!?
"innocence lost"

Longing for the days I knew,
my life belonged to me!.
Running, jumping, chasing cars,
climbing trees at peace and free!.
Even now at night I scream,
hands pawing and pulling me!.
Just like it was yesterday,
the man i most despise!.
Hid behind the trust
he gained!.
Stole my innocence from me!.
Used for his own dark sin!.
Stole the thing most precious,
childhood and dreams!.
I hope he burns away,
in hell where he belongs!.
I pay the price everyday,
Him, forever and a day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I LOVE IT!!!! ^^ nice subject!. O!.o so very sad too!. but good subject!. love the new version!. tell me thew 1st one too!. O!.o or the one i just read is the 1st verion and !.!.!.!.!.ahhhhh my brain hurts!.!.!.~-~Www@QuestionHome@Com

my innocence was stolen from me over and over!. thanks for sharing this hurtful subect!. i have a lot of respect for you and your gift!.!.!.
if you really want peace, pray for him every day!.Www@QuestionHome@Com