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Position:Home>Poetry> A poem that I wrote with a headache. Any advice.?

Question: A poem that I wrote with a headache!. Any advice!.!?

Left alone to breathe,
Far from any peace!.
Alone with just your mind,
An awful dreadful place!.

Escape!? There is none!.
Locked away to live then die!.
Wrap that thought around your brain!.
Enough to drive you insane!.

Total silence, not a sound,
thoughts within your head!.
Enough to make you crazy,
Just you, tears and four walls!.

Blood runs down the slabs,
All night long rusty chains!.
Finally a speck of hope,
Through the darkness hangs a rope!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My, my I really enjoyed reading this, it was a thrill! my eyes seemed to jump out of their sockets in the last four lines (as I love horror and am a little morbid :) )

'Blood runs down the slabs,
All night long rusty chains!.
Finally a speck of hope,
Through the darkness hangs a rope!.'-very atmospheric which is difficult to do in poems, but you have done it Mr talented, I expect you to post more on here, hey you know what would be awesome if you do like writing, you could write a short story on them end four lines, I'd love to read it if you do, but if not then I'll live, but I don't think I'll be able to sleep lol actually I'm now thinking of hellraiser with them last four lines lol strangeWww@QuestionHome@Com

wow, wow, wow!. Paradox's all over the place!. first we have a brain that driving you insane and then total silence, not a sound, so I'm trying to understand that, and the crescendo, the last verse, the execution, "through the darkness hangs a rope!." Poetry is for the writer and as it becomes better and better, the reader demands more, maybe that's what will happen here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

But the thing is, with a migraine, or maybe a hangover, alcohol or drug, which I think you are describing, there is no silence, sound will explode in your brain, even breathing hurts, and being alone with your mind IS a dreadful place! The speck of hope would have been considered in many cases!. Great imagery!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not really up to this today!. I'm bored with all of this drama and blood and insanity!. I've already been there and done that!. it's not your fault, I'm just evolving!. This gives me a headache!. Peace out!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take a coulple of asperin,,,,,,goto bed!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com