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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you like my poem? I call it " Where Is God"?

Question: Do you like my poem!? I call it " Where Is God"!?
Its easy to find whats wrong,
But why is it so hard to find whats right,
Why does this world always need to fight,
Oh God! Why cant I see the light!.

Bloodshed, greed and violence,
I don't see any love!. All I see is broken bodies picked up and shoved into the ambulance,
Pain, death, hate, misery, war and lies,
Oh God! How can you sit back and watch this world crumble right before your very own eyes!.

Is it because you are blind and cannot see what is happening to us through the skies,
If thats the case, I would sacrifice myself and give you my eyes,
Could it be that you are sick in bed,
Or maybe you are just dead!.

I know I wont live long,
In this world so wrong,
I just cant see the light,
Say Good bye! As I dance with the Devil tonight!.


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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Deep, but not deep enough!.

You're looking for God in all the wrong places in this poem, you forgot to look in your heart!.

Love begins in there, and then, you give it!. God is just waiting for YOU to love!. SillyWww@QuestionHome@Com

World has degenerated so much that God will have to come down agian to save it!.I agree with it, but im afraid our politicians would not let God come in!. I believe that change begins with the individual and that we can contribute our share by spreading the word of peace!.Glad that u r doing it in your own way!.
But im not sure abt certain words you had used in your poem like 'shoved' sounds poetic!. But over all nice,realistic,thought provoking poem!.!.!.keep on writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

138 out of 100Www@QuestionHome@Com

i love it! definately a 10 out of 10Www@QuestionHome@Com

NICE but looks a lil' bit more like LYRICS to me!.


it was good!. 10/10!. though i dont agree with what you said!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Freak Show
You did a wonderful job on this poem
It indeed talks about the question where is god
however, this is about trying to correct a wrong
to right,
Why can't people just get along
there is enough violence
as there is enough pain in the world already
making sacrifices
because someone can't see
willing to give the other person your eyes if you couldWww@QuestionHome@Com