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Position:Home>Poetry> Do you ever just want to be slapped?

Question: Do you ever just want to be slapped!?
Forgiven Cost

Hit me!
Scratch me!
Take your wrath out upon me!
I don’t care
about the pain
all I want is punishment
for being
It’s all I could ever do for you
Love you
Hug you
but it is not enough for you
So take me!
Rape me!
I never meant to hurt you
but as I did
you have the right
to hit me
Hate me…
Trust me,
this is what I want now…

Forgive me for being a little strange, you know me, I write from what I feel!. And this, I have felt oftentimes!. Does anyone know what I am saying!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, I completely understand!. Sometimes the calm quiet is too much, and you wish for it to be broken with the resounding sound of flesh on flesh, the pain of broken skin!.!.!.this angst I feel sometimes, but not often, and that is when I cut my soul open with my pen and let words bleed onto the page!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don`t ever punish yourself for loving someone or wanting
love in return!. Although If you don`t want to be bothered
that person should leave you alone!. Same goes for you,If
he doesn`t want to be bothered you should leave him alone!.
It takes two people to be In love!. Again, don`t ever punish
yourself or throw yourself at someone that doesn`t want you!. Their Is someone for everyone!. Be patient!. You sound like a
beautiful person to me!. Do you know that most abused people will tell you that they asked for It and deserved It!? I
find that insane!. A woman may want attention but she never
asked to be beaten or raped!. Don`t ever be one of those
girls!. If everything you do Is not enough for a man, then he Is
not the man for you!. I worked In a Hospital and I can tell you
I have seen a lot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, I don't ever just want to be slapped!. I would rather be punched, for some reason getting slapped sends me into a rage!. All that being said, this was a powerful poem!. The speaker is very clear, but the poem doesn't sound like you!. I hope it is mostly metaphorical and this is just an example of your talent!. If you are truly the speaker in the poem I wish you well -- but your stronger than the speaker in the poem!.
I like the haircut by the way!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All I can say is Wow!.
This is amazing!.
It speaks to me on so many levels!.
In the past I have had problems with cutting that were often brought on by feelings of hatred for myself and for me this poem speaks to that!.
But, I was never able to put it in such words as this!.

Wow, i have never really wanted to feel pain!. The only thing I would say is "bite me"

I like the poem!. It left me in shock!. It's good but it also worries me about you!.!.!. You need help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

can't really say that I ever have
I have been many times for doing dumb things!.
in fact I was just tonight for almost missing this poem!.
It is really great!
If I reach up and feel my face I can definitely say that I know what you are talking about!.!.!.


Yes, you done something wrong to the other person and want to be punished!. I totally get it and have been there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is scary!. Sometimes I worry about you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Siren you little minx :) No, seriously, I do understand what you're saying, but I can tell you that it's self-punishment that only leads down a very dark well!.!.!.there is no reward at the bottom, no "good" feelings!. When we do something that we feel we should be punished for, the first thing we need to do is to forgive ourselves for being human!. If the one we hurt wants to physically hurt us for what we've done, then they don't deserve you!.!.!.no matter how much they hurt inside, if they want to hurt "you", they are not the person you should be with and you're probably better off without them!. If you think they are too good for you, then all the more reason to get away from them!.!.!.don't bring them down by having them treat you like nobody should be treated!.!.!.it will only dishonor them!. If you feel like you want to be punished, try to make up for it by doing something good!.!.!.not demeaning yourself with self-flagellation!.!.!.it's just not healthy, no matter how inviting it may seem at the time!. Remember, "you don't go down with a hard short fall, you just sorta shuffle along, and losen your load of the moral code till you can't tell the right from wrong"!. Each slap is a slippery slope that leads to a dead end!.

hope you feel better soonWww@QuestionHome@Com