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Position:Home>Poetry> How do you spell your checker? Or how do you check your poems for spellin' e

Question: How do you spell your checker!? Or how do you check your poems for spellin' errors!?
Any more and nowadays
Breathing comes in short supply
Creative thinking fallen back
To the whims of hims on high
Here a nip there a tuck
Ferra’s face is not alone
Embedded in my funny rhyme
A spellcheck freak has made his home

I think it is borderline geniuses to write something bashing the spellcheck freaks for then, when they bash your spelling your point is made more clear!. This is not to say I have any qualms amongst those who would lay their red pen to my page, we all need to better our own work… I just found it humorist!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very cute!.!.!.the only problem with the spellcheck freaks in poetry is that are usually trying to "help" you avoid faux pas situations!.!.!.because a spelling error in a poem, unless deliberate, is like an artist suddenly painting the sky green!. Words to poems are like hues to paintings: their meaning is specific!.!.!.if I said "I love you" it would be different in meaning that "I love ewe"!.!.!.if I say, "I love too", it's meaning would be different than "I love to"!.!.!.so spelling "does" matter!. If you deliberately make a mistake, and that mistake is meant in a satirical way, or in a "humorous" way, then it's clever and not a malapropism like the last word in your post appeared to be!.

So, rage at the machine, stick your tongue out at those who try to help!.!.!.in the end you'll simply be the only one laughing!.

!.!.!.still, a clever write!.!.!.keep writingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Humured indeed!. Well penned!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

To use the spell checker just click on Check Spelling in the upper right of the box after you're done writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is very humorous and I enjoyed it very much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This line is great:
Embedded in my funny rhyme
A spellcheck freak has made his home

Very humorous poem!.!.!.I loved it!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Very funny little man!.!.!. I am sure you sat there for a long while to think that one up!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Board of Directors of the Poetry Section, Division of Orthography, Punctuation, and Legibility, has instructed me to inform you to mind your p's and q's!. However, the Board is much more flexible regarding i's and y's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com