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Question: Is this poem an exercise in futility!?
Futile Desire
by Elaine P

The poet asked me,
“why do you write!?”
I told him
of my love
for language!.

I want to
use the Word
as an artist
uses his tools!.

My pen
is my brush
my paper
the canvas
my words
the paint!.

I want to
write a poem
that will live
until our species
can voyage
through the galaxy

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Hardly futile!.!.!.your poetry is wonderful and I'm not just saying that!. I can think of one particular poem I believe will live forever!. You probably know the one I am referring to!.!.!.Yep, that's right!.!.!.Sisters in Knowledge!. I can't get that poem out of my head!. I absolutely love that poem!.!.!.It is sheer genius!. You do paint pretty pictures with your words!. You are a true artist with a pen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why did the POET ask you!? He knows why you write!. Or did he ask to make you think and to push you to greater lengths!?

I write because words are there!.!.!.like Everest!. Almost unsurmountable mountains of words, piled up in a huge tangled, unused heap!.!.!.!.!.and I want to pick out as many as I can to re-arrange into poetry!.!.!.!.so little time, so much to do!

Sorry, got carried away there (with a few words I sneaked from the lower foothills =)!. What was the question!?
You have within you that masterpiece - as you sit at your keyboard one day, it will come spilling out through your fingertips and you will have trouble capturing it!. Isn't that thought exciting!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I, too, love words- they way they sound and the way they make me feel and think!. You are a poet that truly has a way with words!. That desire to write the ultimate poem, the masterpiece, is within every poet, but with you it is something attainable!. You write brilliantly!. Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

An excercise in futility is not to take up the pen at all, but to let it linter, full of untapped possibility!. We will voyage to Mars someday, all of us, living in our communal domes and breathing poetry, the oxygen of creative life!. Blessed Be!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's like getting a hit in baseball!. If it's in the strike zone and you take a swing at it, there's no guarantee that you'll hit it!. But if you just stand there doing nothing, you'll strike out!. I'm rooting for you to hit one out of the park!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, it is not an exercise in futility!.

This is a wonderful poem, Elaine!. I love the format, the changes and descriptions of your tools, and I'll join you on the real ship that can fly -- 2nd star from the left, right!? Neverland!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course not ,poetry is the language of the soul, what you state in this poem is a truth desire and someday soon it will come to fruition!. It just may take some time!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is an excellent write!. From all the poems I have read by you, I can tell you for sure, you will write that one poem which you desire to write!. Excellent writing!. Bravo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have been to the edge many times!. Someday, you will leap off into the night untethered!. I can feel that masterpiece in you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fabulous words of wisdom in this cleaver and cute poem and i really love it a lot!.!.!.I liked the style which it's written!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A well penned poem
is an elixir!.!.!.
sweeten with drops
of poet tears
that passed before

Enjoy your elixir!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Absotively agreed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It's beautiful and I think you will write that poem!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com