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Position:Home>Poetry> Dosimbra Take Two - okay, Todd?

Question: Dosimbra Take Two - okay, Todd!?
A Laurence Olivier bit that ended on the cutting room floor!.

Prithee do not withdraw, I command you
Stay! 'Tis St!. Crispin's Day!. Victorious
we will be!. Not bested!. Let them e'er rue
the day they challenged our supremacy!.

To horse
Hold banners high
Cry, Harry
and St!. George!.

Let no man shirk, nor turn his back on death!.
Proud Englishmen show your true metal here!.
Until our soil is soaked with foreign blood
Prithee do not withdraw, I command you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes, it's again very creative and cool (love the play it's based on and that particular scene)!. I like what you've done here (I don't get as concerned with the abab thing--though Elaine's point is of course valid)!.

I especially like the choices you made in your final stanza!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Aside from what Elaine pointed out, I think it's great!. I like the language which makes it easy to read with an British accent!.
Unlike the other poster, I think it speaks of pride, not arrogance!. Very nice!. I may have to try one of these!.
also, I like your alternate!.!.!.I like the quick clip of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It sounds like typical arrogant English thinking!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why don't you practice flagellation or something!. These look like stern task masters!. Free verse anyone!? Well done from my standpoint!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The first stanza must rhyme in Shakespearean style: (abab)!. The rest of it seems right to me!.Www@QuestionHome@Com