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Position:Home>Poetry> A rewrite of a poem, that changes it , Is it better now..?

Question: A rewrite of a poem, that changes it , Is it better now!.!.!?

You whisper to me softly,
day and night your love!.
Telling me desires,
That now fade away!.

In the mist, demonic rage!.
hiding in my dreams!.
Visions of a cryptic death,
I die to feel free!.

Falling over backwards,
to an earthen hole!.
It's my final resting place,
A filthy tiny grave!.

I see my fate ahead,
So close it's almost here!.
Soon will be finality,
The eve of time is gone!.

Gods look down in fury,
At the very damned!.
Chaos grows, the end is near,
Strength and hope are gone!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I guess that since I don't have a clue what is "better" or "worse" in as it relates to poetry, I should not compare at all!.!.!. but my instinctual reaction was that this version sounds more like a prophecy or a foreseeing!.!.!.

I will be back as often and whatever form must be through these final days of our species, to help the innocents that remain; I will help them through sickness and hunger and pain and teach them to hide when they are hunted!. I will give them the ability to love so that they will keep their souls free; for their will be no creator come to save them, no judgement day with celestial prizes and no hell but the one that you have just described,

I had this all come to me as in a dream but it wasn't; nor was it a thought or phantasy or even an anomalous muse- it was just there and I was binded to it forever!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yea, its better lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i do like it but it does lack hope!.!.!.!.!.
i know i know not ever poem has to be happy and bla bla
well u have a goodnightWww@QuestionHome@Com