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Question: A Quartern for Elaine P - Do you like it!?
This is England

Simplest things bring greatest pleasure
Quiet walks beside the river
Dappled sunlight beneath the trees
Star-like sparkles on sleepy seas!.

Distant tolls of a church's bell
Simplest things bring greatest pleasure
Muffled delight of children's play
Sounds to savour and to treasure!.

Neighbours chat over garden fence
Whilst a blackbird boldly whistles!.
Simplest things bring greatest pleasure
Poppies,daisies, brush-head thistles!.

Cucumber sandwiches for tea
Strawberry jam, scones and clotted cream
Picnic fit for a Queen!.!.!.!.and me
Simplest things bring greatest pleasure

(I'm keeping the suggested sestina for later!.!.!.!.much later)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It's a lovely Quatern!. Just one observation, the repeating line and "Strawberry jam, scones and clotted cream" is one beat too long!. Other than this, it is perfect!. Then again, it could just be differences in pronunciation!.

Yep, 'Strawbry' did the trick and you're right about the repeating line too!. I'm the one at fault as I pronounce simplest with 3 beats (Sim*pel*est) when it really only has two!. I don't know why I add the extra vowel; I'm going to have to work on that!.

I wish we had maintained the "having tea" tradition!. It sounds so relaxing and tasty!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

That's how i remember England growing up!. Seems to have changed now!. gained somethings lost a lot more!. washday's Mondays, no lock on the back door!. *Sigh* A Song Thrush hammering a Snail and it used to be so quite, on Sundays!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Berry jam, scones and clotted cream
aint life just a scream
Simplest things bring greatest pleasure
grey earl I treasure
while I drink earl grey and I dream

Win the lotto yet!? Well doneWww@QuestionHome@Com

I loved this so much and it sounds so luscious and so serene that i too want to experience England one day!.A beautiful poem for a great lady Elaine!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is beautifully filled with imagery and a message we should all heed!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You have gone and done it!. How can we compete with this!?
My phone won't ring, so I'm starting the laundry!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a beautiful poem and just added more fuel to my fire of passion for travel!.

I must see England one day!Www@QuestionHome@Com