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Question: Would you leave critique!?
Through a thickened fog I see,
Bent at waist the cherry tree!.
Her honeyed heart is gushing,
Her veins, a waning blushing!.
Comes a breeze upon her leaves--
A call is heard and far she sees,
By golden fields, a mellowed light,
By beacon now is dimming bright!.
To guide the misty blanket, falls--
Feels a white to ease her soul!.
Still a willow sheds a tear,
For the icy streams are here!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Very nice rhythm!. Two wording problems for me: Veins- a waning blushing!? If veins are waning or receding, how can they be blushing which usually brings more blood forward!? And "beacon!.!.!.dimming bright!? One can obviously dim a light but bright is still the opposite of dim!. To me this is a very nice poem that with a couple of edits could shine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Lines three and four seem a beat too short to me, but that may be just me!.

The rhythm/rhyme throughout flows really well, reminiscent of something Ed Poe would write, you can't help but get caught up in it!. Fun to read, then re-read and focus on the pastoral images, and the melancholy ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it flows very well!. you leave room for interpretation also, so its good!.Www@QuestionHome@Com