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Position:Home>Poetry> Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!! need a good 16 lined poem by tomarrow :( helllll[ppppp i

Question: Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelp!!!!! need a good 16 lined poem by tomarrow :( helllll[ppppp i will post a 5!?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
here are some 4 lined poems and they are all by the same author-Eloise Crowther

There are certain things that get us down,
And upon our face, appears a frown!.
But in the Son of God, my faith will rise,
For at this time, he was crucified!.

In love our prayers are answered,
In faith our dreams come true!.
God has sent his angels down,
And they’re watching over you

Our life is a test of love and faith,
Our feelings aren’t always kept that safe!.
The hardest part is letting go,
Our feelings thrust us to and fro

Newstart Rivercity (my church) :
Together as a church we stand!.
Side by side, hand in hand!.
We’ll grasp the joys of life,
And release your soul from strife!.
‘Cause this church is our holy land

We shall never grow old with wonder,
We shall never pass on with fear!.
Let us all realize life’s greatest value,
To clear away ones tear!.

Ugly Emotion:
I see ugly feelings trapped inside,
Thoughts to big they’re hard to hide!.
Emotion so strong its getting strange,
But I’ve already fallen, its too late to change!.

hope i helped!!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. XDWww@QuestionHome@Com

what is it supposed to be about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com