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Question: Is this poem a Dorsimbra!?
Planet or Asteroid!?
by Elaine P

Hail the astronomers in full debate:
Asteroid or planet, how to define!?
Orbiting our Sun, are there twelve or eight!?
Was it correct to delete Nine of Nine!?

The Collective is calling
but poor little Pluto
slowly and erratically
circles alone!.

Since far-flung Pluto unnamed and numbered,
Demoted and dwarfed, a mere asteroid,
They found other rocks some now call planets,
Hail the astronomers in full debate!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It must be, they said mine was, and yours is bettern mine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm getting confused!.!.!.!.my original Dorsimbra - The Football match!.!.!.!.was incorrect because it wasn't Shakespearean!. I asked whether it had got to be Shakespearean in content, or in form!. And I believed from the responses that it had to be the former!.
Perhaps if Willie had been around now he would have made poor Pluto the subject of his poem - but he isn't, so it doesn't sound Shakespearean to me!. Sorry!.

Please do not think this is a criticism of your poem!.!.!.!.it is extremely good and you have perfect iambic pentameters!.
Perhaps Todd will spring out from some-where and arbitrate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would concur, it is!. Just tried my own!.!.!.and since my brain is in limbo, would not be all that certain!.!.!.but yes!. Then again (sorry) the first stanza, is supposed to be four (4) lines of a Shakespearean sonnet!. Least ways, that is what I read!.
(Off for aspirin!.) No, E!. I mean that the first four lines are supposed to be Shakespeare!.!.!.if yours are, sorry!.!.!.don't recognize them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's rather good and i love it!.!.!.I like these poems about the planets as they're really nice and interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hail to thee
it sounds fine to me
An interesting format!.Www@QuestionHome@Com